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tootsies Archives - Boston Baby Photos Blog

category: family photos, new baby, newborn
Mansfield, MA Lifestyle Newborn Family Photoshoot
05 02 2018

Mansfield, MA Lifestyle Newborn Family Photoshoot

When I showed up for my first physical therapy appointment last fall (nasty back pain, but the exercises help, guys! I'm feeling better!), I will admit I noticed a roundness in my amazing physical therapist's belly, but at that...

category: baby photos, infant, inside
Watertown MA Six Month Old Photoshoot
02 21 2018

Watertown MA Six Month Old Photoshoot

I was so thrilled to come back and see this big girl for her six month old photoshoot in January. We did such fun newborn pictures last summer, and nothing's more fun for me than one of my Baby's First Year packages because I get...

12 18 2015

Zooming and giggling

Went back to see this guy for his six month photos, and oh my goodness the cuteness! I'm so excited they're doing the Baby's First Year package because it means I get to come back for more giggles and fun this year. We did...

10 08 2015

Two under two, and everything's fine

Big brother M wasn't yet two, and his new baby brother J was five weeks old when we did these photos about two weeks ago, so they're proud members of the two under two club! And hate to break it to you, but they sure do seem to...

06 13 2015

Ten days old and just so squeezable

Look who arrived on his due date! This incredibly perfect little person joined Amy and Jason just about two weeks ago, and the joy in their house is palpable. So much love. And apologies in advance - this is wayyyy too many...

04 12 2015

Oh baby B, we love you!

Twenty-hmm-hmm years ago the Conn College housing office placed me in a room with this little beauty's mama, and after a summer phone call and a few snail mail letters to figure out who was bringing the mini-fridge, we were off...