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spring Archives - Boston Baby Photos Blog

category: family photos
Boston Spring Minishoots in the Public Garden
05 09 2018

Boston Spring Minishoots in the Public Garden

As kids get older, the idea of a whole afternoon of posy-posed shots just isn't always their jam. But Boston spring minishoots? In the Public Garden? Where they can run around and jump off benches and generally be goofy or chill?...

category: color, family photos
Spring Public Garden Minishoots! Now booking...
01 31 2018

Spring Public Garden Minishoots! Now booking...

Even though it’s ridiculously cold and wintery right now, I just announced the schedule for my Spring Public Garden Minishoots! Aren’t you guys excited? Wait--you don’t know about these? Oh! I do them every fall and every...

04 29 2016

Boys will be (fabulous) boys

So I'm not supposed to blog this many pictures. I always feel like I need to apologize when I include this many photos in a blog post because I'm supposed to choose just a handful to show to you, but these guys were just killing...

04 18 2016

Spring Public Garden Minishoot #8

I met the biggest sister in this family when she was just one, back in early 2005, when I'd only been a professional photographer for two years. And now she's almost a TEENAGER too... I've loved seeing these guys throughout the...

06 07 2013

Spring Public Garden Minishoot #22

We're getting there, guys - almost done with the Public Garden minishoots from this spring. Just three more to edit next week. But for now I have this stylish mama and her family (my clients all inspire me so much, style-wise......

06 05 2013

Spring Public Garden Minishoot #20

I had such a great time playing in the Public Garden with these guys. Every time they book a shoot I'm just thrilled because it means I get to hang out with them. They are just wonderfully fun.  They had the 1pm shoot on my 5/18...

05 30 2013

Spring Public Garden Minishoot #18

I loved getting to meet these kiddos - they have a really fun time together. And you'd never know Dad got off the red eye from the west coast mere hours before the shoot, right? Who needs sleep?! We're parents. We power through...

05 29 2013

Spring Public Garden Minishoot #17

More babies that just keep growing! I've known these little guys since they were teenie too - they're growing up so fast. I am so super in love with the two pictures of the boys under the funky tree with the glowy leaves - which...

05 29 2013

Spring Public Garden Minishoot #16

Don't I always say I love going back years later? Well, it's true here too. I took pictures of BOTH these guys when they were teenie tiny newborn babies, and then again when they were little guys... but now they're 7 years old...

05 24 2013

Spring Public Garden Minishoot #15

I was thrilled to meet this 3 year old guy last weekend on my 2nd minishoot day of the spring. They were my 3rd session that day, and he came ready to have fun. I love 3 year old energy - he was nonstop. But that means soooo many...

05 22 2013

Spring Public Garden Minishoot #13

These guys met me bright and early on my 2nd and final spring minishoot day last weekend. We had a really good time - they definitely know how to have fun together :) I adore this first one where mama catches little J's eye - so...

05 17 2013

He's a mover and a shaker

This guy is moving around like it's his job.  Nine months old, and nothing stops this guy.  He's just perfection, and I loved seeing him again for another shoot from his Baby's First Year package. You really can't beat the...

05 16 2013

Spring Public Garden Minishoot #12

These guys were my last shoot of the day, and they were super fun.  It'd been a few years since I'd seen them, and I just love it when I get to see those little guys growing up. Wonderful to see you guys...

05 15 2013

Spring Public Garden Minishoot #11

Look who's one! And she's walking around like a little star :) These guys were my 2nd to last minishoot a couple of weeks ago, and we had such fun by the pink tulips, playing peek-a-boo behind the birch trees... she was...