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08 07 2014

Catching dragonflies and ziplining

I love meeting new families! So often I get to go back and see children grow year after year - but it's a really fun change of pace to get a chance to jump in and meet a pair of kiddos for the first time when they're a bit older:...

12 19 2012

One last post for 2012

Now this is one patient mama - she asked for a blog post a month ago and I have been just running to stand still with this crazy season of the year, but I had to get this up for her before I shut down my computer today (on my...

09 06 2012

Brother adventures

Oh I love going back a year later! Don't get me wrong, it's wonderful and amazing to chronicle babies throughout their first year (now I feel like I need to link to the Baby's First Year package), but there's this incredible fun...

08 07 2012

The birthday boy

These guys finished off their Baby's First Year package last week with sweet J's one year photoshoot.  It's been so wonderful to see him grow this year.  My favorite art shot is the grass handoff between J and dad, but the...

05 11 2012

Two crazy brothers

OK, so I'm in love with the story these pictures tell.  These two little guys are fabulous -- wonderfully cuddly, fun, loving, sweet and altogether crazy!  I'll start off just introducing them to you... B on the left and A on...

12 12 2011

3 months old and delicious

In my line of work, sometimes it's fun to give myself little challenges - little things that I keep an eye out for when I'm shooting.  One of those things is the elusive dog lick picture.  I love a good dog-licking-baby picture...

11 01 2011

A boy and his pup

This little 16 month old guy had such fun crawling all over his friend the pup - their relationship was very sibling-esque. I won't do too much commentary... but first I have to show you the handsome: And the...

09 28 2011

Sister support

It's been a year since I saw these sweet girls, and I love what buddies they've become. I'm just a sucker for sisters. Lemme introduce the ladies - first, in calm moments. Big girl G, with her model-perfect hair. And...

09 20 2011

Adorable number three and his mama

I've been working with this beautiful mama since her oldest big girl was just a little munchkin.  I got to spend time with her and her 3rd beautiful baby last week while the bigger siblings were at school.  I hadn't seen him...

06 14 2011

Two gorgeous boys under two

I met these handsome boys two weekends ago, big 22 month old brother P, and little three week old brother N; and I was so impressed by how much attention P was lavishing on N.  I can only imagine the buddies they're going to...

06 08 2011

Brothers, just beginning

When I first arrived to see these two brothers last weekend, almost 3 month old Z was exhausted.  But that meant we got this picture, which I am just in love with... (avoiding ending my sentence with a preposition by using...

08 09 2010

Back to work!

Tomorrow would mark three weeks since I last posted on the blog - had to quick get this one up before we hit the 3 week mark, lest you think I've been resting on my laurels this summer.  I've been lucky enough to take some time...