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literally devouring a book Archives - Boston Baby Photos Blog

05 08 2012

Tuesday tip: Grab a book

Want some closeups of your little person, but can't get him or her to sit still?  Give 'em some reading material - and whether they read it or "devour" it in a more literal sense, it'll keep him or her in one place for a minute...

04 28 2011

Devouring Goodnight Moon

I mean, sometimes books are just so good, I know - I totally DEVOUR them too. For sweet 7 month old girl L, Margaret Wise Brown's Goodnight Moon is one of those books. Isn't she a beauty? Shhh, daddy! Love the...

07 18 2008

Devouring his books

7 and 1/2 month old C loved reading his "Where the Wild Things Are" book so much that he literally devoured it during his photoshoot: 5144, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos. Love the belly: 5199, originally...