Twin lovelies
Yikes, correction! When I first posted these pics I mentioned that these two had been in the NICU in the early days of their life and I was completely wrong. (No excuses allowed! But I realized I had just spoken to another family...
Yikes, correction! When I first posted these pics I mentioned that these two had been in the NICU in the early days of their life and I was completely wrong. (No excuses allowed! But I realized I had just spoken to another family...
This guy is moving around like it's his job. Nine months old, and nothing stops this guy. He's just perfection, and I loved seeing him again for another shoot from his Baby's First Year package. You really can't beat the...
Oh boy, these guys are nearly six months old and just perfection. There's one blue-eyed boy and one brown-eyed boy, and both of them have an incredible twinkle in those eyes. I think maybe they can't wait to get moving... I...
Oh, the wrist rolls! Oh the expressions! I got to spend Sunday morning with this fantastic little guy, and now I'm going back through these pictures and I can't choose a favorite. I think I have to go with the moment when he...
These guys finished off their Baby's First Year package last week with sweet J's one year photoshoot. It's been so wonderful to see him grow this year. My favorite art shot is the grass handoff between J and dad, but the...
Now you know these guys are close in age and their parents are rock stars for having them so close together when I'm back for a second photoshoot with the new baby (she's not even a new baby any more, big girl!) and we still have...
These two beautiful ladies turned six months old last weekend! Look at their perfect little tushes and their gorgeous little bald spots :) Before I even get to the cute faces, I'm starting at the bottom. Gorgeous toes -...
OK, my friends know it takes a lot to get me to go grab my camera when we're hanging out. Honestly, it feels like work, and when I'm hanging out with friends and their babies, I'd much rather cuddle those sweet babies and...
This is one of my FAVORITE pictures I've ever taken. Love. Love. Love. Met these cuties last weekend, when what was supposed to be a rainy day cleared up for us and allowed us to play both inside and outside. Inside we got to...
Last Tuesday, just when I thought all I needed to get through the day were some squishy arm and leg rolls, this little ball of awesome showed up and killed me with his dimple. Come ON now with the cuteness. Now I won't bore you...
And for me, of all the fantastic expressions, this one takes the cake - eyebrow raise/splayed fingers and extra arm/leg rolls and all :) But actually, the whole shoot was full of awesome expressions: See what I...
Even though we didn't do the pureed carrots until late in the photoshoot, I have to post them first because I LOVE these pictures. Big boy C adores his carrots, grabbing the spoon away from his mama with gusto each time...
Look at this big handsome boy! Can't believe this year went by so fast. I saw him a few times this year - when he was just 10 days old and then again when he was a big boy of 3 months old, and then just now, for his one year...
I am officially obsessed with this shot of 3 month old S - her perfect pout is killing me! And I'm also loving the giggles with her mama: With her handsome big brother T: A grab for mama's finger: In her pretty...
So today marks the day my own baby girl's been outside in the world longer than she was inside my belly. I know they say it goes faster on the 2nd child, but SERIOUSly, they aren't kidding. Sadie's first year is flying by -...