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dimples Archives - Boston Baby Photos Blog

02 22 2016

Twinsfest, the three month old edition

You know how you get to be part of these online parenting forums and the people there become your friends online and you wonder what it would be like to meet them? Well, when you're parenting twins (perhaps even more so than...

07 11 2015

3 months of smiley cuteness

This little nugget stole my heart last week when her parents brought her to visit Boston. She's just perfection, and I love her so much. (It doesn't hurt that her mama was my college roommate and is one of my best friends in the...

10 25 2013

Squeezing on that new sister

Because squeezing a nearly six month old sister can't be beat. And check it out... in two of the pictures you see here, we get one of my favorite things: a surprise belly button sighting. Oh and dimples. Pinch me. Divine. (Oh,...

09 27 2013

Oh boy, he's six months old...

I can't believe he's six months old. I got to photograph him when he was teenie and new, and now he's such a big boy, with dimples that BLOW you away, and a smile that might knock you to the floor.  Look...

09 21 2012

Dimples and a fantastic smile

This little 3 month old cutie blew me away on Sunday - she was just full of grins and her dimples were perfection. Even when she rubbed her eyes with the universal sign for, "Um, I'm tired, guys" - she still held it together and...

08 09 2012

Three on a hot day

It was warm on Tuesday, and we met up for pictures just about midday - but that didn't stop these three.  They always have such fantastic energy, and I love this one of the three of them - dimples and all.  But I think my...

12 01 2011

The best expressions

Hands down, my favorite.  But there are so many fun ones here that we may need a caption contest... or maybe just a really cool holiday card... ;) You guys make me happy every time - thanks for a great...

11 21 2011

Two under two, plus a bonus big boy

These guys are card carrying members of the "two under two" club, with a bonus 3 1/2 year old thrown in!  Busy, busy, busy.  And so much fun energy! 20 months old and 6 weeks old. So much love. There's something about the...

10 25 2011

Brothers, eight years apart

Big brother W is eight and a half, and his new perfect brother N was only seven weeks old when we took these photos a few weeks ago.  This means these guys are already fast friends, with little N already kicking W in the face...

09 01 2011

Swinging and dimples

Are you kidding me with the matching grins?  And he's only 4 months old.  Wait, even better - she's only TWO.  Love, love, love this.   Once we got outside this peanut hopped up on the BIG GIRL SWING (yes, you...

07 23 2011

Rolls, rolls, rolls, and even a DIMPLE!

Last Tuesday, just when I thought all I needed to get through the day were some squishy arm and leg rolls, this little ball of awesome showed up and killed me with his dimple. Come ON now with the cuteness. Now I won't bore you...

06 03 2011

A lady joins the boys

It's been a few years since I saw these guys - and since I saw them they've added a lovely lady to their brood. She's such a fun addition. Don't get me wrong, the boys still have a blast just the two of them... But it's...