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news Archives - Boston Baby Photos Blog

category: news
Mangok's Niece and Nephews Arrived!
09 04 2024

Mangok's Niece and Nephews Arrived!

Once in a while I'm invited to witness something so moving that I need to share it in visual form here on the blog, and last night's trip to Logan Airport was exactly that.(You can learn more about this story and donate to help...

category: news, toddler
The backstory behind the Iconic Set
01 22 2024

The backstory behind the Iconic Set

I really should thank 2 year old William for this whole "Iconic Set" idea.He's a pretty fabulous kid, that William. I've been taking photos of him since he was born (I went and met him for photos in the hospital *just* after he...

category: news
Come see me at Drool Baby Expo in March!
02 19 2023

Come see me at Drool Baby Expo in March!

I’m excited to be returning to exhibit as a baby photographer at Drool Baby Expo on March 30, 2023 from 3:30pm - 8:30pm at the Westin in the Seaport.Here are some photos from last year to get you excited about all the good...

category: news
Fusion Dolls Store Grand Opening
10 01 2021

Fusion Dolls Store Grand Opening

Do you remember Fusion Dolls?The fabulous Widline and her doll company that we did a big challenge with last summer?They're the gorgeous dolls that spread diversity awareness and encourage our children to embrace themselves...

category: news
Finally! I published my 2021 Pricing Guide
01 13 2021

Finally! I published my 2021 Pricing Guide

Finally published my how-much-does-everything-cost in Covid-times guide!(The secret is that nothing's changed, though. My pricing for 2021 is exactly the same as it was in 2020, and the same as it's been for the last many many...

category: news
Mom Empowerment Photoshoots
12 10 2020

Mom Empowerment Photoshoots

I feel like junk these days, I don’t know about you. I’ve been eating terribly, I stopped exercising (because, well, 2020), and I just kind of feel like - so what? What’s the point? I’m never seeing anyone in person...

category: news
Social Distancing Outdoor Minishoots
05 18 2020

Social Distancing Outdoor Minishoots

I have a plan for the way I’m going to work for the remainder of this spring (and likely through the summer, fall.. etc.) and I’m actually pretty excited about it.To bring some joy into our new, Coronavirus-Aware lives, I am...