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twins Archives - Boston Baby Photos Blog

02 22 2016

Twinsfest, the three month old edition

You know how you get to be part of these online parenting forums and the people there become your friends online and you wonder what it would be like to meet them? Well, when you're parenting twins (perhaps even more so than...

10 08 2015

The boys at six month old

We did these photos back in the end of June! It's the beginning of October! How did I get so behind?? So sorry - and this is crazy because these two boys have the best bellies, the cutest grins - look at these little six month...

09 22 2015

The twins at their dol

I have too many photos for you again, I'm sorry to say! I got to attend a truly gorgeous dol jahbi a week or so ago for two fantastic little ladies, and I'm having such a hard time editing the photos down into a nice small...

10 16 2014

Two strong, fun, incredible girls

Look at these sweet girls! They're five months old now, and they're doing so well. They were born teenie tiny preemies, and they've spent these last five months being fabulous, getting stronger and grinning. It's always my...

06 17 2014

Twins in their tutus

You know, the thing is, if you're 15 months old, and you have a tutu, there's really no reason not to wear it. These ladies were on the same page about it. And I did what I always do with one year old twins - I took too many...

11 22 2013

The twins turn one

Ruh-roh. Sorry. I hate it when this happens. I overshot these two gorgeous girls a few weeks ago, just a couple of days shy of their first birthday. I kid (a little), because I guess no parent thinks there's any such thing as...

07 09 2013

Twin lovelies

Yikes, correction! When I first posted these pics I mentioned that these two had been in the NICU in the early days of their life and I was completely wrong. (No excuses allowed! But I realized I had just spoken to another family...

02 15 2013

Mama, Mimi and the twins

You guys know me, I always post too many favorites when I take pictures of twins. I just love them - and these two girls were just too much fun.  They were both born tiny, back in mid-November, but came home from the hospital...

11 14 2012

Three under two

Now you know I love my families with two under two - I talk about them all the time.  I just think it's a big deal having two children under two years old - lots of work, lots of fun.  But these guys have them beat. Three...

11 08 2012

One with blue eyes, one with brown

Oh boy, these guys are nearly six months old and just perfection. There's one blue-eyed boy and one brown-eyed boy, and both of them have an incredible twinkle in those eyes. I think maybe they can't wait to get moving... I...