Boston Baby Photos Blog
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BBP, aka Jess, Author at Boston Baby Photos Blog - Page 4 of 80

category: resources
The Best Camera is the One You Have With You
01 08 2021

The Best Camera is the One You Have With You

"The best camera is the camera you have with you."I've googled, I've dug, and I honestly can't credit this quote properly. I just know it's a wonderful old photography adage that I believe in, wholeheartedly. I learned it back...

category: family photos, with the dog
First new baby of 2021 - Covid Puppy Photoshoot
01 06 2021

First new baby of 2021 - Covid Puppy Photoshoot

When friends have babies, I insist on being there.Covid puppies are no different! When my gorgeous friend Courtney welcomed this sweet 4 pound merle ball of fluff (a mini goldendoodle) into her life on January 1st, and I had to...

category: news
Mom Empowerment Photoshoots
12 10 2020

Mom Empowerment Photoshoots

I feel like junk these days, I don’t know about you. I’ve been eating terribly, I stopped exercising (because, well, 2020), and I just kind of feel like - so what? What’s the point? I’m never seeing anyone in person...

category: backyard, family photos
Newton, MA: Their fourth joins the team
09 09 2020

Newton, MA: Their fourth joins the team

I hadn't seen this crew in a few years - since their #3 brother was just a wee one... but I was thrilled to hear from them this summer when they decided it was time to document #4!She'd arrived last fall, and summer's warm days...