This morning was absolutely heart-meltingly wonderful, and here I am, at 11:47pm, blogging the session because I really really want to show these photos to this mama.
So if you've been following along with me on here, you remember Joey, a heart warrior I introduced on the blog last April after I first met him when we did a photoshoot for him in his room at Children's Hospital.
I won't get into too much detail about the incredible journey Joey and his family have been on in the last year -- suffice it to say that his mama Jeralyn and he spent most of the last year (his first year of life) at Boston Children's Hospital in the cardiac unit. He endured three open heart surgeries, and during this entire last year his mama didn't leave his hospital bedside very often. This means her husband Nick's been home in Rhode Island with their older two kids, eight year old Chase and three year old Bella (and their two fabulous dogs) for the better part of this year on his own.
This family has been through *so much* this year, so when I heard on Facebook that Joey was coming home from the hospital in time for Thanksgiving, I felt so much joy for them. And when Jeralyn reached out, saying she wanted to do the second photoshoot she'd won in my giveaway at her house this week, I jumped at the chance.
And this morning's session did not disappoint!
For three kids who can't go see mall Santa because going out in crowds isn't a great idea when you're being extra careful about germs on behalf of a tiny family member who's just emerged from a year in the hospital... their extra special visitor was just perfect.
What a wonderful surprise! The wonder on their faces was just everything.
Had to snag that posed Santa photo, of course!
He even read The Polar Express aloud!
And he brought a ukelele and they all sang Jingle Bells together -- Joey danced so much!
We stripped Joey down out of his matching xmas PJs and let him get some snuggle time on the couch with Santa. How many 11 month old cutie pies can say they took a nap with the big man?
It was truly the most special experience for the kids, and I know, speaking on behalf of myself and of Santa himself - we were truly grateful to have been part of this day.
This is what this season is all about.
Learn more about Joey's journey and contribute to his family's GoFundMe here.