Boston Baby Photos Blog
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© 2021

Even after doing what I do as long as I've been doing it, I'm always learning.

You know what I learned at this photoshoot?

Sometimes I just need to let my clients lead the way, because good things really can happen when I do.

I'm always encouraging people to stay indoors during their baby's first year, since the photos we get of babies outdoors can be squinty and babies aren't as comfortable outdoors...

But then sometimes creative, fabulous families say they have ideas and they want to make them happen outdoors... and so we go for it, even though their sweet new little babe is only 12 weeks old...

Because climbing a tree as a family is totally amazing and fun and cool!

And we can still always be indoors for some photos... because you know I love me some kiddo indoor snuggle time...

And mama and her three photos...

And tiny baby cuteness happening...

And nursing, all the nursing... here, there, everywhere. Gorgeous all day long.

But outside play time is also amazing!

And when the front yard hasn't been mowed, and your brilliant client has this creative idea about lying down in the gorgeous flowers... and you're really not sure how it's going to come out and you feel like the light's really bright and the kids aren't going to have fun with it??

You know what?

JUST LISTEN TO YOUR CLIENTS, because they know.

She was right, wasn't she?

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