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I quoted this mantra back in January when I'd just written a similar course for "Taking Great Photos with Your Smartphone". Now that I'm announcing my baby version of that same course, I know it can't hurt to share it again.

"The best camera is the camera you have with you."

smartphone photo tips

I've googled, I've dug, and I honestly can't credit this quote properly. I just know it's a wonderful old photography adage that I believe in, wholeheartedly. I learned it back before smartphones - and I held onto it, and built my whole use-of-my-phone-as-documentary-mom-tool life from there. And as the cameras we carry in our pockets have gotten better, it's only made this an easier mantra to repeat - because lugging your kids around is hard enough. Adding an actual DSLR camera to that bag?

No way.

Not to mention, as a full time professional photographer, that big camera has always felt like work to me -- I've never wanted to carry my big camera around when I was hanging out with my kids.

The fact that we carry these phones around with us all the time, and they have such powerful and fabulous cameras? THAT's the magic. We have it with us - and that means we can capture those little moments.

When my sister had her twins a few years ago, I jumped at the chance for baby snuggles and spent a lot of time with them in their first year. And I used my phone to take pictures of them every day I was with them.

And these were shot 3-4 iPhones ago! Phone cameras have gotten so much better even since then...

From those overview moments of her snuggling her new littles at just three weeks old...

To the cool moments you see and think are beautiful and just want to snap quickly...

And little moments that happen, and you can't believe they're happening, when he reaches out to hold his sister's hand while they're sleeping...

And the funny ones - it's just so easy and lovely to snap what you can, when you can.

I feel so passionately about this "best camera is the camera you have with you" truth that the moment the pandemic hit last year, I started offering little smartphone zoom photography challenge classes for adults and kids alike. I taught dozens of people over zoom in those few months...

And I came up with so many useful tips after teaching all those classes!

I'd love to share them with you. There are a bunch, though, and they're easier to digest bite by bite. So I broke them up into a little free email course I'm calling:

5 Tips To Improve Your Smartphone Photographs of Your New Baby

Want me to send them over?

Everyone who joins my new Year One Together Facebook VIP group receives the tips as a welcome gift in their email! Win/win, right?

My Year One Together group...

My new VIP group is called Year One Together, and in addition to offering cool things like this Taking Great Photos With Your Smartphone email series, I'm interviewing local experts on Facebook Live in that group every week, too. Topics for their interviews include, "Naps & Sleeping in the First Year",  "Do I Want a Doula? A Midwife?", "Postpartum: The Emotional Side"... and so much more.


Hope to see you in there!
xo Jess

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