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So a week ago on Monday after school I got to meet up with Clarissa and her son K for a little social distancing outdoor minishoot fun in the snow session, and we had the best time.

Here's what C & K had to say, mere moments after the 20 minute session ended...

Clarissa's one of the toddler teachers at my kids' Montessori school, and a while back she launched a really cool business -- it's called Star Path Montessori -- she consults on Montessori setups for your kids' learning spaces at home. It's really such a cool idea. I'm thinking she needs to come on and do a Facebook Live interview about setting up a Montessori workspace at home... wouldn't that be cool? Want to be reminded about this when it happens? Join my new Boston Families Together Facebook VIP group here.

OK, sorry, back to our minishoot from last week. Yup, it was cold, and K only wore shorts - such a cool kid!! - but it was full of gorgeous moments.

I think this one's my #1 fave. Hope you print it SUUUUPER big for your house, Clarissa!

fun snow minishoot

But it's amazing what 20 minutes of playtime with your kiddo can do. We can spend three seconds getting the photo you need for the frame (and do it painlessly):

fun snow minishoot

And add on a bonus squeezing one, of course:

fun snow minishoot

But sneak in more playful stuff, too...

fun snow minishoot fun snow minishoot

With a funny one thrown in here and there for good measure - sometimes Mama doesn't play...

fun snow minishoot

But my beautiful zoom lens allows for some really lovely closeups for those portraits you love to have:

fun snow minishoot fun snow minishoot

And I'm a total sneak when it comes to capturing candids that will make your heart melt...

fun snow minishoot

And squeezes here and there... forced, but so delicious, joyful and brief.

fun snow minishoot

And we wrapped it all up with a snowball fight (because every mom knows if we did the snowball fight at the *beginning* of the photoshoot our hands would be FROZEN and you never know, someone could get a snowball to the face and all would be lost...

So the suuuuper fun, active stuff? If my 18 yrs as a family photographer's taught me nothing, that crazy fun artsy stuff's at the end. But when we get shots like these? Soooo worth it.

fun snow minishoot

Will you print one of these ones HUGE, Clarissa?? These'll make you smile forever. Oooh, as a shiny metal print, maybe? Remind me to show you those.

fun snow minishoot

I adored our 20 minutes playing in the snow!

fun snow minishoot

And then sweet Clarissa sent me this video of her looking through her gallery. Just melted me!

Want to do a social distancing outdoor minishoot quick before we lose all this gorgeous snow? Looks like we're getting blanketed again later this week and I still have openings for this weekend, if anyone wants one... Check my calendar here.

Or just want to get in the loop on all things parenting & Boston area?

I launched a Facebook group called "Boston Families Together", and I want everyone to come join! I have live interviews happening in there weekly, on topics ranging from "Selling Your Boston-Area Home in a Pandemic" to "Talking with Young Kids about COVID-19" (that's tomorrow at 11am - Weds 2/17!) and "The College Process: Tips for Junior Spring".

I'm also raffling off goodies and photoshoots and all the things in there...


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