Boston Baby Photos Blog
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© 2021

I'm way behind on getting galleries out to families who've had their shoots with me, guys, I have to apologize!

But what happens when someone has a

Social Distancing Outdoor Minishoot

just mere days before their tiny has a first birthday, though? They get to jump the editing line.

#sorrynotsorry because LOOK at these cuties!

social distancing 1st birthday minishoot

This littler sister?

She turns one TOMORROW! We did the photos just yesterday but I had to let her jump the line so I could get this gallery out and blogged for this beauty because look...

She's perfect!

social distancing 1st birthday minishoot

Although I do love all the photos we got in the quest of this one... Ha!

social distancing 1st birthday minishoot


social distancing 1st birthday minishoot

Congratulations, big girl!

social distancing 1st birthday minishoot

I also love how much fun she had in her little 20 minute session outdoors with her family...

social distancing 1st birthday minishoot

So many tickles, so much fun!

social distancing 1st birthday minishoot

Don't get me wrong, big sister R had a pretty good time, too...

social distancing 1st birthday minishoot

These girls are obviously going to be adventurers together!

social distancing 1st birthday minishoot

Look at those smiles.

social distancing 1st birthday minishoot

Oh and I'm super impressed with Daddy's party trick - yay for these girls and their ab strength, too!

social distancing 1st birthday minishoot

Little miss showed off her rolling and her walking skills...

social distancing 1st birthday minishoot

She has so many great expressions.

social distancing 1st birthday minishoot

And her big sister completely brought the cuteness as well...

social distancing 1st birthday minishoot

I adored seeing you guys again!

social distancing 1st birthday minishoot

Thanks so much for having me out!

social distancing 1st birthday minishoot

Interested in an social distancing outdoor minishoot for your family this summer or fall? I have lots more information including pricing and how to book a time for your session on this page of my blog.

Contact Jess


email jess directly


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