OK, I'll admit it. I was nervous, anticipating this photoshoot the other day.
I haven't been nervous on my way to a photoshoot in a long time. It was kind of exciting, actually. I had this nervous energy bubbling on my way there... just thinking of all the different moving parts.
But see, the thing is, I realized the very coolest thing while I was there.
It's like I've been training for this, guys.
But I should back up.
I still stand by my decades-held assertion -- that babies under a year old are more comfortable indoors for photoshoots. It's just the truth.
The wind and the light filtering through trees outdoors is really distracting to babies and it's hard for them to be themselves outdoors.
But there's a global pandemic!
I can't take pictures of babies in their homes for the foreseeable future.
So I needed to figure out a way to do this. I decided to go for it. I decided it was time to take my seventeen years of in-home infant photography experience and combine it with my seventeen years of outdoor minishoot experience and attack this idea with gusto.
I made a couple of videos about my cleanliness/safety precautions (here) and the way I do my baby-session-shooting-with-a-mask-and-gloves (here) if you're curious...
And guys?
It works.
So I have a thing now!
I made up a thing.
A social distancing outdoor baby minishoot!
This incredible little person was scheduled to have his newborn photos done before Covid19 arrived... and then we had to keep rescheduling him.
And now he's 18 weeks old.
But I'm so glad we got him documented and we didn't wait any longer!
Time marches on, coronavirus or no coronavirus.
Babies are growing! Cheeks are getting chubby... wrists are getting rolls... elbows are getting dimples...
And mamas and daddies are squeezing their babes.
But I can document them from far away, with a mask on. My zoom lens is gooooood.
Learn more about my new Social Distancing Outdoor Minishoots at:
I'd be honored to talk to you about documenting your tiny person (or people) during this strange time.
I promise I'll do it safely, and grandma and grandpa will be grateful.
Interested in considering a maternity or new baby photoshoot? Let's chat! Schedule a time for a phone call in the next few days at a time that works for you. I have quickie 15 min phone call spots available at my calendly link here.
Not sure if you want to do photos, but the whole "having a new baby in your house" thing is happening? I just launched a new VIP Facebook Group and I would just ADORE it if you'd come hang out with me in there!
My new group is called Year One Together.
It's for new parents who are getting excited about or already navigating their baby's first year here in the Boston area. I interview local experts in all things baby every Friday, and then those interviews are saved in the group archive so you can watch them anytime. Topics the experts are covering in their interviews with me will include: "Dressing your Baby in Boston Weather", "Do I want a Doula? A Midwife?", "Buying a First Home around Boston", "Postpartum: The Emotional Side", "Year One With Twins"... and so much more. Hope to see you in there!
Don't have a baby in your house right now, but you live in the Boston area and want a fun online community of families to connect with? Come join my group for families with older children - it's called Boston Families Together and you can join that group here.
Or I also just posted a sweet testimonial video that Amanda and Josh sent me about our work together this year.
You can watch the video of Amanda and Josh talking here.