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OK, so you know how you do things and then you tweak them and you figure out what works? And then you make changes and you keep going?

That's what's happening with my Who I Am Project. Because here's the thing.


I mean, just look at all these incredible people who've been involved in doing it in the last few months with me. No matter what sport/activity/fun thing she or they do... we document it.

It's the best.

tween empowerment photoshoot

So here's the news. I'm locking it back down. When I next do it in January, it's going to be for girls (or people who identify as she/her/they/them) who are between the ages of ten and twelve only.

OMG - wait! What?

Yes, you heard me right.

I'm back to offering these sessions ONLY for age 10-12. Long story, I can tell you why in person sometime when we hang out... but I know this is the right way to do it in my heart, so I'm shifting it back to the way it was originally.

These are...

tween empowerment photoshoots

after all, and that they shall stay.

tween empowerment photoshoot

Because being ten, being eleven, and being twelve? Those are VERY specific times of life.

They just align soooo perfectly with this project - we have to do it then.

So, I'm sorry, no teenagers.

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Aaaaaand, drumroll, please... if you've done one of these sessions with me this year and you DIDN'T get an email explaining the incredibly cool thing that's happening for you and your friends this year?


tween empowerment photoshoot

Because these are hard sessions to explain - the whole "people who love you get interviewed and get to tell Jess all these things they love about you and then she comes back and shows you the photos AND the quotes about you in this really cool emotional slideshow" thing is kind of wild and weird and I feel like you guys can explain it best for me.

tween empowerment photoshoot

So that's the deal.

January 2020 is the next time I'm doing these.

Sign up to be notified (I'll open my calendar for this in about a month) when the schedule for 2020 opens.

--->Just choose "Who I Am" project in the dropdown so you get on the right part of my list.

tween empowerment photoshoot

These sessions are insanely wonderful and perfect and amazing and I reeeeeallly want lots of wonderful 10-12 year old girls/people to enjoy them. Because truly, I get to enjoy it as well.

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My heart kinda overflows when I do these sessions, as you can tell, maybe? I mean, just look at these faces. Whatever face you got for me? I'm all in. Let's document it, and let's do even more than that - let's celebrate WHO you are.

Sign up here to get notified when the schedule's online (just FYI, these appointments go suuuuuper quickly).

xooxoox jess

tween empowerment photoshoot

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