You know how it is with me, spring photos and cute kids? Can't beat it.
Of course we start indoors, just to be sure we get something... and oh boy, did we get "something!"
But then we get to go outdoors, and when kids are older, I just adore being outdoors and playing in photos.
We spent some time with the oldest, Mr. G. He and my elder daughter are very close to the same age, and I've known him and have been photographing him since he was just a wee one. Now he's a total basketball star.
And Ms. H had done a Who I Am Project session with me as well, so we just needed to supplement those photos with some lacrosse shots - she's a total renaissance kid - good at everything!
And littlest Ms. C - sniffing those flowers!
The dancing girls, the spring flowers and cute kids - not to mention super fun mama...
And not to be forgotten - the super fun daddy!
It was wonderful getting outside and enjoying warmth with you guys!