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Big news, guys - now I do Who I Am Project sessions anytime you want them.

Squeeeeeal! Isn't that so cool? Remember last summer when I did these only for the first thirty kids who responded to my request? And then I had to take the fall to figure out how to do these on a larger scale, on a continuing basis...?

Well, without further ado... it's happening! I started back in with the project in January, and it's been an incredible month for tween and teen girls:

tween empowerment

I got to know lots more wonderful girls, and I was just blown away by all the incredible things people had to say about them. If you're curious, lots of their slideshows are here.

tween empowerment

I mean, the project itself just blows me away. I made a website all about it, actually, and there's some background about the project here.

It's all about...

Teen and tween girls' empowerment

tween empowerment

If you're thinking you might be interested, my calendar for sessions is here.

tween empowerment

There's truly nothing better.

tween empowerment

Happy girls, in their rooms, being documented being themselves... it's perfection.

tween empowerment

And this winter is already off to such a great start!

tween empowerment

Inspiring, I tell you, every single time.

tween empowerment

Just absolutely inspiring.

tween empowerment

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