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So when you come upon an expose of a blog post like this one, you might be shocked to see the faces of the superheroes revealed right away, in the very first photo collage, but I like to produce shock and awe with my posts, you know me.

So here goes - behind the scenes, at the home of these two superheroes. They're just like you and me, guys! They play piano, they roughhouse just like regular old brothers...

superheroes and parents

And they play outside with their parents, seemingly just regular children... their dog licks them...

superheroes and parents

And what a cute dog she is, btw...

superheroes and parents

But you know, they're just doing the things normal kids do. Nothing to give away the fact that they're really superheroes in child's clothing.

superheroes and parents

They do run super fast, it's true... but that's just a tiny clue...

superheroes and parents

Yup, just minding their own business, seeming like run of the mill children...

superheroes and parents

But then it happens! Blink, and they've transformed. Ta-da! THESE are the faces you recognize. It's Captain America! And some other superhero-type character I totally don't recognize but who has claws. Help? Not sure. But obviously completely super!!

superheroes and parents

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