When I arrived for our lifestyle twins photoshoot at big sister M's house, she welcomed me in with open arms. Her new twin baby siblings H and A had arrived a couple of weeks before, but she was already a natural.
M and A were both pretty snoozy while I was there, but that was A-OK with me.
M had so much fun with all twenty of those toes!
Of course, someone's always hungry when I photograph twins. That's OK - works for me. Look at those cute little heads of hair.
As a big four year old girl, M was very comfortable counting toes for me.
I just love these little faces. Look at the second shot in this set, though, doesn't it looks like H is showing us the peace sign? Wait, is that H? I'm having a hard time telling them apart, K and D! Help! 🙂
I'd call what we did here a lifestyle twins photoshoot - we got to experience their lifestyle together. And we were thrilled to see some open eyes, right before I left. Hi guys!
OK so My best guess is H is on the top of this photo and his sister A is in the bottom shot. How'd I do?
Absolutely adored spending time with you guys last week. Thanks so much for having me out!