What a day we had a few weeks ago!
Every fall and every spring, I meet up with families in the Boston Public Garden for a day or two of minishoots - I do minishoots that are 20 minutes each. That means I take photos for about thirteen families in a minishoot day in the Public Garden, and of course, I love every minute of it. When kids are older than 1 or 2, we can easily get tons of great pictures in a 20-minute photoshoot in a beautiful location outdoors. I had so much fun with each of the families that booked their Boston Public Garden minishoots on October 1st - look at all these cuties.
Boston Public Garden Minishoots
The weather was crazy warm -- it started out at 60 degrees and gradually warmed up to an insane, completely not-fall-like 70 degrees. I asked each of the families from the minishoots if they were OK with me blogging about their families in my story of the day, and I have included pictures from those who agreed here.
Fall Family Fun
Usually I don't start my minishoot days until 9am, but when this mama missed her chance to book and contacted me a little later than usual, I added an early session and these boys and their parents got themselves into Boston from Andover for an 8:30am minishoot. A feat of herculean proportions, if you ask me! All props go to the parents on that one - well done, guys.
But all that waking up early and bribing of kids was totally worth it, I think. These brothers know how to be goofy, and my favorite picture was definitely when P was elbowing O.
Of course, we also got a few more serious pictures with the family and some individual shots of each of the boys. Mama's loving being surrounded by all her handsome men.
Brotherly Love
I had a small break after that, because my 9am session had a stuffy nose and had to reschedule their session to the 10/28 minishoot instead. Then at 9:30, T and O came out to meet me. It was a great start to the morning, getting yet another set of amazing brothers. Look at those genuine smiles!
These boys are so very loved. You know how much I love hug pictures.
Spontaneous Family Fun
As the morning progressed, the light started to change and warmed up a bit by the time the 10:00am session with J and E came around.
J is such a great squeezer, and I loved when everybody climbed up into the tree. These guys weren’t afraid of a little adventure and spontaneity.
A Family Full of Energy
At 10:30am, I had a lot of fun with P and her sister M, but they’re not here on the blog. The session after theirs was at 11am with K, L, and J—for some fun tickling and giggling time.
I loved it when they pulled off the human pyramid. There’s also a fun shot of all everyone jumping at the same time. These guys really know how to rock their pictures, as you can tell.
Smiles, Laughter, Joy
Then, at 11:30am, D, B, and Q arrived—and were amazing as always. Their dad had gotten their mom a gift certificate for the minishoot for her birthday. What a cool dad.
The boys got in some hugs and tickles during the session, too, which was just awesome. It was nothing but genuine smiles and laughter for their whole session.
Double the Fun
At noon, I had my last session before lunch. I hadn’t seen these twins, K and M, since their first birthday party/doljabi celebration last year, and I couldn’t get over how much they had grown.
Now that they are 2 years old, these two are even more adorable together. Seeing families in repeat sessions means a lot to me and I love being able to capture their milestones through the years. It was great to see them during the minishoots.
Making Memories
I took a quick break for lunch before J and his little brother, C, arrived for photos at 1:30pm. The boys had a blast riding the ducks and showed off their brotherly love.
Mom and Dad got in on the fun, too, playing with the boys all over the park.
Sweet smiles
Finally, I had my last minishoot of the day at 2:00pm. Sweet 9-year-old G had the most beautiful smile. I especially loved when G posed between her parents, providing such a wonderful picture of them together as a family. She just inserted herself between the two of them and flashed that mega-watt smile. So sweet.
Photographing G with her mom and dad was a great way to end a day of minishoots.
Booking your own Boston Public Garden Minishoot
It you’re interested in scheduling a Boston Public Garden minishoot for yourself or your family, please feel free to contact me for more information or visit my website.
Minishoots are $275 (compared to $400+ for in-home shoots). This price includes both the shoot and access to the final images in a watermarked online gallery a few weeks after the session. As with all my photo shoots, every photo from the minishoot is presented in an online gallery in both black & white and color. Families receive access to the watermarked gallery with 25–40 final, fabulous-enough-to-be-framed images from one 20-minute minishoot. You can buy all the high-res files from a minishoot for $500 (compared to $750 for in-home shoots). You can also order just a few JPGs or prints or photobooks, whatever you'd like. All my print/product pricing is here.
Upcoming Minishoot Sessions
If you’re interested in doing a minishoot for October, I am doing another session on October 28th, with a rain date slated for November 5th and another weather day for November 18th if that also gets rained out. That one is fully booked but let me know if you're just dying for a minishoot and we can see what can be done. I keep a waiting list in case there are any cancellations, so please don’t be hestiate to reach out to me. If you’re interested in a minishoot but can’t make it this time around, I usually post the schedule for spring minishoots around the end of February or early March, and you can let me know now if you'd like to be on the "contact first" list for the spring minis.
I hope I'm able to meet your family this fall, too!