In the last few years I've started offering my 20 minute minishoots all year round over at Turner’s Pond in Milton. Last month I announced that I'm offering afterschool minishoots there the week of October 16th-20th and they sold out in a matter of days! Although maybe the selling out had something to do with this really nice article -- thank you, Milton Scene. (For more information about my year-round Turner's Pond minishoots, visit this page.)
For this family of four, I was excited to see some familiar faces, since I had photographed them back when they were only a family of three, a bunch of years ago. I think that was the last time I saw G (except that time that he came to my door as a shark on Halloween a few years ago - so adorable) but back then when we did photos G was only about 3 years old. Now he’s 10. And now his little brother, D, is 3 now—time flies.
Turner's Pond Minishoots really let us have fun
Do you believe we took all these photos in a twenty minute minishoot? Maybe because there is nothing like the relationship between brothers. These guys have such fun together! They are such wonderful friends, and I couldn’t get enough of photographing the two of them simply being boys. I can’t even pick a favorite out of most of these—the football pictures, the hugging, the piggyback, the ducks . . . I love them all. They had the best time running, chasing and tackling each other. Even dad got in on the football action. I just loved how much fun these guys had together.
Little D's energy is just fantastic. He has such fun making faces. Look at how expressive he is!
And big brother G has a completely heartbreaking smile—and great hair! Not to mention he was so patient and helpful with 3 year old D. You can really see it in the pictures of the two of them; that brotherly bond is so strong.
And you know it's always good to get that shot of everyone for the frame on the mantle - these minishoots make that quick and easy. Cute people, cute location, cute smiles, easy peasy.
More Fall Minishoot Sessions Available
Minishoots are a great option for families whose children are all over one year old.
Even though my fall Turner’s Pond minishoots sold out quickly this fall, I do have a waiting list started if anyone would like to hold out for one. Just email me, or maybe consider doing one of my Public Garden minishoots on 10/1 or 10/28? Supposed to be a beautiful day this Sunday... I also have openings for in-home/on-location photoshoots in November...
Hope to see you soon!