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This is #15 in my series of Family Retrospective Videos – for more information about this project or to sign up to be added to the list of families who wants one, click this link and scroll down the page through the previous posts back to the first or second one (where I describe it in more detail). And I’ll freely admit it – I’m four months late with this one. I promised them this one in April and I’m really posting it in August but I’m back-dating it. Hoping to do a bunch of these videos this August so I can catch up a bit. Thanks so much for your patience, guys!

I met these guys back in June of 2005 when they only had little two year old Mia in their family. I was thrilled to go back a few months later to meet Bella, and I’ve loved visited many times since then to continue to document their fun.

And without further ado, here’s a 5 minute video of Mia and Bella’s family with photos from seven photoshoots over the last ten years:

(Hint: Start playing the video, and then click on the little gear thing that takes you to “Settings” in the bottom right corner of the video. Choose 720p to make the slideshow play in high-definition. You can also choose “Full Screen” down there in that corner of the video too.)

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