I know, I know, I always blog my b&w pictures – but I always show everybody all their photos in both color and b&w… and sometimes a photoshoot just blows my mind with its color. Usually it happens with older children, when we’ve been outdoors and running… and this 4 year old dude is no exception. I’ve been taking his pictures since he was mere weeks old – can’t believe he’s FOUR!
I love going where families love to go – these guys live in Scituate by the water, so we were able to start at home, play in the sprinkler and around the yard, and then head over to the beach for some quick lighthouse / beach fun pictures. I don’t consider myself a typical beach photographer – we get different kinds of playing pictures at the beach, not so posey… but the blue sky that day (a week or so ago) just made me so happy. I think it did the same for 4 yr old K and his hermit crab friends. Can’t wait to meet your new little one in a few short months!