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Sometimes it’s grandmothers who call me to book photoshoots, and often times those shoots happen around the holidays, when their families are together.  It’s always mayhem, and I can almost guarantee someone will cry… but that’s what it’s all about, right? Capturing the insanity? Because why have two handsome sons if you can’t document a piece of the crazy lives they’re living with their 7, 4, 4 and 2 yr old kiddos?

So I’ll get you situated with the big group shot first.  Here’s our handsome crew.

And one of all the grandkids with their grandparents:

And now, so you don’t get confused, I’ll go big brother’s family first:

And then I’ll do little brother’s family next:

And I have to include this “outtake” one — it cracks me up — with bow off kilter and tongue out 🙂

All thanks to these two.  Celebrating a big anniversary this year!  Congrats, guys.

P.S. These kind of shoots are what I call “a bunch of families together” in my pricing calculator, in case you’re curious. They can run a bit longer than my usual 45 minutes-1 hour.  I think I stayed with these guys for about 90 minutes.  But it’s nice because each individual family in the group ends up with photos for holiday cards, etc.

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