I say this every year, I know, but these guys make me so happy every time I have a shoot with them. They just ooze love out of every pore – their (now 5! year old – can’t believe it, kindergartener) sweet boy is just an absolute inspiration. As Kim (his mama) put it so eloquently on the contest page of my blog last year, as she described a photo from the 2010 shoot where Jack walked holding hands with his parents:
Our family has been through so much in Jack’s four years. I love this picture so much because it inspires me to believe that anything is possible, and makes me proud to be the parent of such a special child. There were times that we were told Jack may not make it through the night or to his next birthday, but we never gave up hope. This picture to me symbolizes how far we’ve come and that we have to remember that life is a journey that you take one step at a time.
Well they’ve taken lots of steps together this year, and Jack and his parents have tons to be proud of. Not the least of which is their huge, amazing love.
Daddy tickles:
Up in the air:
High-fiving mama:
Giving Rocky some kisses:
Loving Mickey Mouse Clubhouse:
And this is my favorite series of two pictures – Jack was obviously really worried about going down the slide, but his mama helped him… she knew he could do it, so she gave him support and helped him get started.
And at the bottom of the slide… a little proud smile peeked out. So perfect.
But this guy loves NOTHING more than the swings.
Maybe partially because his parents are really fun.
But I know it’s so freeing to fly so high up there.
You guys inspire me every time I see you. So happy for you.