I’m back! After about six weeks of a blogging hiatus (so sorry to those 26 families from late November and December – I just couldn’t blog during that crazy season), the rush is over, and the calm, lovely January-March shoots begin. This is the quiet season for people like me. It’s too cold to take those tiny babies outside, and every year I have this nice quiet wintertime… one or two shoots a week to keep me busy, but not too many. I get lots of time to be a mom this time of year – and I have to admit I adore it.
But when I do shoot, it’s creatively so much fun! Everybody’s relaxed, and we get to do things like explore cute new belly buttons…
And chew on noses 🙂
Three handsome boys! The eldest:
The middle:
And the babe:
Wonderful to meet you guys. Happy New Year!
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