Just about two weeks ago, I got to visit this little sweet boy (he was just 9 days old when we shot the photos). He was the most content, calm, snoozy little guy while I was there, it got to be almost comical. When parents ask me “How long should we allow for the photoshoot?”, my answer is always “Well, the kids will probably be done with me after about 45 minutes. Sometimes we go a bit longer, so it’s good to plan on an hour, but 45 minutes is usually just about right. Unless you have a newborn who naps through the photos, in which case we can go longer, an hour and a half, sometimes two hours…”
Well, this guy took sleepyness to a new level. He’d had a good warm tub and a nice bottle before I got there, so he was cozy and ready to relax. His parents cuddled and smushed and loved him a ton through the two hours I was there, and we had just one little eye peek at about the 118 minute mark 😉
But you know what? It didn’t even matter. I love the photos we got – I love these parents and their adoration for their boy. The whole house was just overflowing with this relaxed, loving feeling. It was a pleasure to spend time there.
Perfect tiny toes.
This teddy bear looked like he was watching over baby I as he slept:
This looks so comfortable to me right now:
So happy in Daddy’s arms:
Nose-to-nose with mama:
I dare you not to look at this for a minute… and try not to…
A milisecond of the eyes opening… he checked us out, was OK with everything that was going on in the room, and…
…was out again.
I love this kind of picture, as families start new lives in new houses, and I get to take a picture before all the furniture is in the room, before it becomes what it will become. Just as the moment that these guys are stepping into that next stage of life… Ready? Set? Go. This next part’s awesome.
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