When my older daughter started nursery school last year, I heard from her school that they were interested in trying something different for the school photos. They asked me to go for it, and last year I did, and it was fantastic. Well, last year I was 8 1/2 months pregnant when I was shooting school photo day, so fantastic wasn’t the word I would have used back then, but the photos were adorable, and the achy back was short-lived 😉
This year, in Annie’s 2nd year in her nursery school, I did it again, and this year was even better (no belly to contend with on my end!). The kids were hilarious and adorable, and I can’t wait to do it again next year. I loved it so much I wanted to offer my services to other nursery schools, if they’re interested in trying something different this year. Here are a few cuties from this year (thanks to their moms and dads for letting me share their photos here!).
I encourage parents to bring siblings in for photos, too. ‘Cause nothing beats a siblings shot:
I try to get all the kids to make crazy faces, too, so I can make a “crazy face” collage for the school. Well, this one’s not so much crazy as jazz-hands-y 😉
Even baby sisters sometimes show up, and show off a smirk:
What are you gonna do?
The style, as you can kind of tell, is just a little different from standard school photos. Of course I get the standard sitting there, smiling shot for grandma’s wall, don’t worry. I just get a few others, too. Here are my two, doing what they do all over my house (and for once I’m not yelling – let GO of your SISTER!)
Each parent gets an individual link to their child’s photos for online ordering for 2 weeks after the shoot. Expressions are natural, and I think, pretty incredible. But that’s thanks to the gorgeous kids, not me.
I bring in lights and a white backdrop, just so we get super simple backgrounds and really focus on the kids’ expressions. It’s also nice because we don’t have to worry about rescheduling for weather. I don’t charge the school at all – the parents just order their prints on a one-off basis from me a few weeks after the shoot. Nursery school print prices are half the price of my standard prints. For more information about having me take pictures at your nursery school, send me an email to jess (at) bostonbabyphotos.com and I can send you some more information.