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© 2021

Something was in the air two weeks ago when we had this photoshoot. I don’t know what it was, but even as I was shooting it, I knew it was all just working. The weather was incredible, sparkling off the pond… The subjects were two sweet sisters I’ve been shooting for four or five years – and this was the first time we did a location shoot. I was worried the mean geese would show up at our duck pond, but no, the ducks were the only ones who showed up…
8579 by you.

The girls did some running for me:
8731 by you.

And bubble blowing:
8679 by you.

And wagon rides:
8648 by you.

Even some tow rides in the wagon:
8752 by you.

Big beautiful sister A:
8847 by you.

Little lovely sister K:
8839 by you.

And then, just when we thought the shoot was over… (the girls were kind of losing it…)
8760 by you.

Mom swept in:
8822 by you.

And with a little crazy tossing and spinning, all was right with the world:
8818 by you.

The girls even blew me kisses as I was leaving. I told you. It all just worked. Great to see you guys as always!

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8895 by you.

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