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17 year old M needed some senior photos, and his mom thought she’d get some pics with his 5 1/2 yr old sister C while we were at it.

9205, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

And here’s M, on his motorcycle – one of my favorite shots from his senior photo session. People ask me if I “do” senior photos, and I tell them, as long as you consider them your baby – I’m there. All my clients are growing older.. can’t turn them away just because they don’t fit the dictionary definition of Boston Babies anymore!

9151, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

One more of these two gorgeous guys. I love the way their eyes line up in this one. They match so nicely.

9196, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

5 1/2, going on 11! What a pretty girl 🙂

9265, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

And last but not least, 17 year old M’s baby. I told you, it’s hard to say no!
Thanks for the great session, guys.

9169, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

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