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I feel so lucky to have spent some time with these three fantastic boys a couple of weeks ago on their first birthday! Love the t-shirts from Becky 🙂

8100, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

We went for a little walk in their “stroller”/train… and the best moment for the boys was when the UPS truck drove by:

8338, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

Let me introduce the first Mr. W:

8301, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

The second Mr. W:

8308, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

And Mr. C:

8243, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

All three on the guest bed:

8144, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

I love this one — all hands on deck!

8392, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

So wonderful to see you and meet the boys! All the rest of your photos will be ready any minute:

8283, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

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