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I have to start by saying I’m sorry to the six families who are waiting for their photos to be posted right now – but I had to jump the line for this little guy. He was born this morning, and because his parents are our very best family friends, after we visited them in the hospital I needed to blog his pictures right away.

This is the first time (since my own little munchkin) that I’ve photographed anyone who was mere hours old, instead of days. And he truly is just perfect. I am in love already – as are his wonderful mom and dad:

7667, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

A little toe kiss:

7671, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

He’s already got a personality:

7703, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

Counting ten perfect fingers and toes:

7673, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

Some daddy time (with mommy in the background):

7727, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

This is my husband holding the little guy, with his best friend (and new dad) looking on. Could they ever have imagined this when they were taking baths together at age 2 and 4?

7718, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

Getting a mommy kiss:

7711, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

And last but not least, the whole family’s hands. It was an honor to meet you tonight, little guy. xox

7677, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.


  • Rob & Damia
    Rob & Damia
    Jul 25 2008
    Beautiful photos, Jess. Marni and Hayden look amazing. Sash looks appropriately harried. Good lookin' mug on that kid.

  • Matt Chanoff
    Matt Chanoff
    Jul 25 2008
    Pretty wonderful.
    Thanks Jess, see you soon.

  • Anonymous
    Jul 26 2008
    Gorgeous. Good going mum & dad.
    Congratulations & love from Kenya.
    xoxo Manal & Alex
  • Paul Foster
    Paul Foster
    Jul 26 2008
    Beautiful! Congrats to both of you (the the photog - nice.) Kiss your sleeping goodbye for 6 months. You'll hardly miss your sanity!
  • henok
    Jul 26 2008
    Thanks Jess,what a beautiful pictures !
  • Chris
    Jul 27 2008
    What fabulous pictures! And what a cute little guy! So happy for all of you!!!
  • Lisa Deeley Smith
    Lisa Deeley Smith
    Jul 28 2008
    Hayden looks like David his grandfather in the personality photo. Congratulations to everyone, and thanks for sharing!

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