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If you’ve visited the blog before, or if you know my style of photography, you might be wondering why the photos on this post are color. As you might have guessed, I’m a huge black and white fan… it’s kind of my thing. But when people hire me to come to their events – baptisms, birthday parties, etc., I like to show them the photos in color, too. Color is just such a big part of these kind of celebrations, and it’s fun to think about photos in a different way when I shoot color.

So, as you might be able to guess, I spent Sunday morning at a fantastic 1st birthday party – everyone had tons of fun. I’ve been taking pictures of this family for years now, and I was honored to have been asked to join them at this rockin’ celebration.

0721, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

The birthday girl enjoying the fantastic eats:

0516, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

Birthday girl’s big brother – 2 1/2 and loving the party:

0548, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

Birthday girl’s big sister – who also just celebrated a birthday:

0461, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

The birthday girl enjoyed Jeannie Mack‘s fantastic tunes (and crawled around to the beat a bit):

0302, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

And a magic show by Bonaparte – really incredible:

0670, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

The kids got a kick out of all the entertainment… not to mention the blocks table, the playdoh table, the candy necklace table… I tell you, it was really fun!

0683, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

And everywhere you turned, there were fun people ready to play:

0149, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

Not to mention the cute kidlets:

0538, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

Every table I visited had someone having a great time:

0504, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

And the food was enjoyed by all:

0566, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

And last but not least, the whole crew blowing out the candle.

There are tons of photos I still need to go through from the party, so it’ll be late next week before I finish them all up for you, but I’ll let you know as soon as they’re ready.

Thanks so much for including me, I loved being part of your celebration, and can’t wait to show you all the pictures!

0779, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

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