When I arrived today for almost 4 month old G’s photos, we weren’t sure if she was going to want to catnap before we started taking photos, but she decided to rally like a champion!
Isn’t she beautiful?
From her perfect toes…
to her fantastic smirk…
She was just four months of perfect. OK, well maybe her mom and dad would request a bit more sleep before we can use the “perfect” description… but other than that, just amazing and gorgeous.
They got the photoshoot as a shower gift from Dad’s brother – so thanks go out to Mark… I think we got some great ones!
OK, maybe just one more cute sparkely eyed shot… love her pinky finger in this one:
And last but perhaps my most favorite one of all – a delicious mama squeeze. I remember when my Annie was this size, and the smell of her little neck was just so amazing, nothing in the world like it. And it doesn’t last, that sour-milk/soft neck yummyness…
This photo just evokes that for me. Gorgeous girls.
Thanks for a wonderful session today – all your photos will be ready within the week.