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I spent this morning’s first photoshoot with an incredibly sweet Norwegian family who’ve been here in Boston for about a year now. It was interesting for me to notice how much I do (and don’t) rely on language to interact with kids. I’d say something, and then hear their dad translating for me… and it made me think about other ways of communicating – very cool.

And now I might just have to gush about the fun we had playing outside! The weather was incredible, and the kids had a blast playing outside in the garden.

3890, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

I started out inside with E, as he showed me his Legos. I love this expression, with the dimple…

3716, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

And L loved chasing butterflies in their garden.

3835, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

The wonderful tree swing made for some great photos.

3864, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

Sweet boy having a strawberry in mama’s lap.

3849, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

And an hilarious daddy with his girlie.

3908, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

I love inchworm season! So many great moments of cuties playing with them. And I don’t mind holding them, either, so I get to feel cool when I play with little boys. Now if we were talking about holding something with creepy crawley legs, that’d be a different story…

3813, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

Just one more moment to prove how fun this family was… the kids were having fun climbing up to the top of their fantastic wooden playhouse, so to get the family shot, Mom and Dad both climbed the ladder and straddled the playhouse roof too. You can’t tell here, but Mom’s still on the ladder in this one. What good sports!

It was great to meet you guys this morning. Best of luck back in Norway. The rest of your photos will be done by the middle of this week!

3775, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

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