What a difference three months makes! I met these guys in February, when the twins were only 3 months old, (see just a few of those pictures here) and now, at six months, they’re so big! Big sister A continues to be super cooperative, and I’m just so sad they’re moving in a few weeks! I hope you can come back and visit.
And I think this one just backs up my idea that not everyone has to be looking at the camera to make a fantastic family photo. We got other ones with everyone looking at me, but for some reason I just love this one. Maybe it’s just me… but I just love Mom looking down at the kids in this one. It’s very Mother’s Day-ish 🙂
Oops, one more again. Here’s two flying together… they’ve got their own personalities that are so obvious already. Really fun to see how much they’ve changed since February. So many fun ones on the swings, but I have to stop blogging and start working… All the pictures will be ready for you this week, guys!