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Here’s another little one I’ve known since she was just a wee girlie. Her mom and I were in the same mom’s group in Somerville when our girls were first born, so it’s really fun for me to see how she grows every time I take her picture. Here she is at her first photoshoot with me, at my Sept ’06 Jimmy Fund Studio Day…

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I just love how fair her skin is, and how fantastic her blue eyes look with this adorable little blue smock dress:

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And then that Halloween, I got to capture G dressed up as a leopard. Not many cuter leopards out there.

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And then this Halloween (’07), I got to experience another of G’s costumes… this time a ladybug, of course.

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And now last week, at the 1:30pm appointment of my Jimmy Fund Studio Day, 2 1/2 year old G arrived, and yay – she was a pleasure. Isn’t that grin killer?

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Do you believe her mom said she refuses to pose for pictures at home? Isn’t it always the way? Put her in the lights in the studio, though, and she was hilarious!

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And I love all her different expressions. Ahhhhhh! 🙂

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And this one needed to be color – those eyes with that pink dress… just so lovely.

9961c, originally uploaded by Boston Baby Photos.

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